
Metallica’s James Hetfield Celebrates a PhD in Astrophysics

Metallica heavy metal guitarist and lead singer James Hetfield announced on his personal Facebook page that he had just finished defending his PhD dissertation at California Institute of Technology in Pasadena (CalTech), CA

Ed Force One Cited for Unauthorized Chemtrail Emissions

British heavy metal legends Iron Maiden are being investigated for illegal chemtrail spraying with the use of their customized touring aircraft, the ex-Air France 747-400 jumbo jet known as Ed Force One.

George Soros Secretly Funding Progressive Rock Groups

A new report from the Media Research Center (MRC) found that billionaire globalist George Soros, through his Open Society Foundations, secretly gave nearly a quarter of a billion dollars to progressive (prog) rock groups over the past few decades.

Holographic Kurt Cobain to Appear at 2024 CES in Las Vegas

After what people are calling the most successful and exciting Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in 2023, organizers of the yearly festival have announced that rock legend Kurt Cobain will close out the 2024 3-day event in holographic form sponsored by Samsung.

Ted Nugent Shouts Allahu Akbar! After Blowing Up Marshall Stack

Judging by his antics during last night's blistering performance at Eagle's Lake Bingo & Casino, County Fair rocker Ted Nugent wholeheartedly agrees with President Trump's executive order banning Muslims from entering the United States.

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