

Colonel Sanders Found Alive in a Grass Valley KFC Enjoying a 3 Piece Meal

Even though Harland David Sanders, better known as Colonel Sanders, has been presumed dead for over 36 years, a keen local woman of 3 has snapped a picture of what appears to be a younger, hipster version of the king of fried chicken.

Mormon Graffiti Saved Man in Idaho Truck Stop

The Mormon church has been around since the mid-1800's by Joseph Smith under questionable pretenses. It has since grown to 14 million members around the world. The Mormons use all manner of recruiting tools to save souls.

Area Mother Regrets Naming Her Child GMO

Nevada City mother of two Jessica Orson recently admitted to The Fazzler that she regretted naming her 16 year old daughter Gabriele Michelle Orson, or GMO for short.

Trader Joe’s to Nevada County: Please Shut Up

In an unusual press release from the grocery giant, Trader Joe's Director of Marketing James Washburn has told the citizens of Nevada County to "...shut the hell up, already. We heard you. We get it. You want a Trader Joe's."

Hostess Develops Cannabis Strain Product Line

The Hostess Snack Corp. is best known for Twinkies, Ho-Ho's and Ding Dongs, has been spending a significant amount of money to develop their own marijuana strain.

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