

Massive Ozempic Shipment Accidentally Sent to North Sudan

A shipment of Ozempic, the diabetes drug now popular as a weight-loss aid, was mistakenly sent to North Sudan, causing panic in wealthy nations. As the affluent scramble to recover their supply, the incident highlights the absurdity and inequity in global healthcare, where a life-saving medication is diverted for cosmetic use, leaving those in real need at risk.

Journey’s ‘Wheel in the Sky’ Reborn as Trump Rally Hymn

As news of the rewritten anthem spread, reactions were swift and varied. Journey fans, who have been riding the emotional rollercoaster of the band’s internal drama, were quick to express their outrage.

Kamala Harris Announces Labradoodle Tax to Offset Service Workers Tip-Free Income

In a packed rally, Kamala Harris announced a new tax on Labradoodles to offset the tip tax cut for service workers. The crowd enthusiastically supported the tax, annoyed by Labradoodles and their owners' perceived elitism. Trump responded with a bizarre and barely coherent rant on Truth Social. While many support the tax, some Labradoodle owners are outraged, feeling unfairly targeted.

CNN Lightens 24-Hour Coverage of Civil Unrest with Footage of a Plane Crash

CNN, in a stroke of genius, has eased the emotional toll of nonstop civil unrest coverage by sprinkling in some good old-fashioned plane crashes. Viewers, who were teetering on the brink of despair, are now refreshed, grateful for the reminder that no matter how bad things get, at least they're not plummeting from the sky.

Trump Blames the Price of Eggs in Gaza on The Biden Administration

In a bewildering rally speech, Trump accused the Biden Administration of causing skyrocketing egg prices in Gaza, linking it to Big Mac inflation, leaving supporters and pundits scrambling to make sense of his global food economics.

Tim Hortons Installs Canadian Space Arm at Ottawa Location

Tim Hortons has unveiled a surprising new addition to its flagship Ottawa location: the Canadarm. Known for its crucial roles on the Space Shuttle and International Space Station, this iconic piece of Canadian engineering will now be serving coffee and donuts to delighted patrons. Dubbed the "Timbitsarm," this futuristic barista promises to bring a touch of zero-gravity magic to the everyday coffee experience, making morning routines in Ottawa more extraordinary than ever.

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