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Elderly Poll Monitor Tackles Vote Fraudster

Elaine Tesh, a 79 year old wheelchair bound poll monitor working at an Orlando voting station, found herself face to face with a young man attempting to vote a second time.

Anonymous: 4chan LGBT Group Behind Westboro Baptist Church [VIDEO]

"Hacktivist" group Anonymous recently announced that the extremist Kansas-based Westboro Baptist Church is actually a front for a group of pro-homosexual activists on popular Internet "imageboard" 4chan.

Scott Walker Takes New Job at Trump Hotel In Madison

Shortly after Scott Walker conceded his run for Wisconsin Governor to Democrat Tony Evers, he informed the press corp that he has accepted a bell boy job at Madison Concourse Hotel.

California Program Relocates Citizens to Idaho & Montana

An innovative State program seeks to help Californians relocate to other areas of the country. The California Department of Relocation, or CDR, was started by Governor Brown to help "people that want to get out of California, find suitable places to settle down."

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