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Aircraft GPS Outages Caused By Mysterious “Atmospheric Anomalies”

A Notam is warning operators of “all aircraft relying on GPS” of widespread GPS outages starting Tuesday throughout the Southwest and especially southern California.

Denny’s To Charge For Premium Service

Denny's is adding a "tiered" service menu to generate more revenue and attract new customers: good service, decent service, or regular terrible service. The program is set to roll out in select cities next week.

Sandy Hook Crisis Actor Disappears in Prison

An inmate at the co-ed Saint Applewhite Prison has gone missing, leaving officials laughing and explaining that she probably never existed in the first place.

New Study: Chemtrails Are Great For Your Complexion

At Sierra Community College in Grass Valley, CA, science student Sandra Willis has made an ironic discovery about the utility of chemtrails: they are great for your complexion. Unfortunately, Sandra Willis' discovery might sway naysayers into the pro-chemtrail camp.

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