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Matt Drudge: Sean Hannity is a Whiner

Controversy broke out across the conservative media landscape over the weekend when  American political commentator, and the creator and editor of the politically conservative American news aggregator Drudge Report, was overheard criticizing fellow conservative media personality Sean Hannity as being a "whiner."

Nation Shocked at Ted Cruz Mistress Accusations

Recent rumors of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz's infidelity have sparked shock and confusion among voters across the political spectrum.

Starbucks Brewing Up New Coffee Colonic Service

In a bid to stay relevant and to "keep ahead of the competitive coffee curve," Starbucksâ„¢ Corporation announced this week that it plans to augment its extensive line of coffee, teas and snacks with a new colonic/enema health care option.

McDonald’s Fires Ronald McDonald Amid Creepy Clown Epidemic

McDonald's has issued a statement confirming the reason for scrubbing Ronald McDonald from their website and his merchandise from their online store: "the longtime franchise mascot is no longer under contract with the company."

Lack of Harmony Hurting GOP’s Three Tenors

An eminent PhD has concluded that the Republican party lacks proper harmony and has horrific timing. Mr. Webb has studied rhythm and taught harmony for over 47 years after getting his masters at BYU and completing his doctorate at Juilliard.

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