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Supreme Court Justice Warren Buffett Found Dead

Longtime Supreme Court Justice Warren Buffett has died in his sleep according to the Omaha, Nebraska police department. His death, which comes after the suspicious passing of Justice Antonin Scalia's untimely death, further puts pressure on both President Biden and the Senate to appoint a successor.

Dalai Lama Finds Time to Relax with a Fidget Spinner

His holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, surprised audience members at this year's 7th Annual Ohio Spiritual Awakening Festival or OSAF when he mentioned that he used a fidget spinner to occasionally "relax and center himself after a hectic day."

Julian Assange Mistakenly Blamed For Syrian Chemical Attack

A disturbing report released early this week that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was responsible for the recent chemical attacks in Syria has been debunked by Snopes.com.

Flat-earther Drives Off The End Of The World

A new debate is raging within the pages of Facebook, is earth flat or round? You may have thought that science settled the argument in the middle ages, but today's self-made scientists disagree.

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