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Justice Scalia’s Death A Hoax

This all started with one phone call being made to NBC news, supposedly from a family member, reporting the death of Justice Scalia. But the audio of the phone call is not being played because it will reveal the prankster. The Fazzler has received an audio file from an unnamed source within NBC, it contains the audio

ShamWow! Wins Best Murder Clean-up Towel for 11th Consecutive Year

The famous ShamWow! absorbent chamois-like towel has won its 11th consecutive award for best murder cleanup product at the 22nd annual Crime Scene Clean-Up conference sponsored by Crime Scene Clean-Up Magazine held at Newark, New Jersey's Aramark Convention Center.

The Genius Trick Amazon.com Doesn’t Want You to Know!

We know you love Amazon.com. Let's face it, it's easy to find things and the product reviews are really helpful. Amazon and a few select online retailers have capitalized on the Internet that has taken traditional "brick and mortar" businesses by surprise.

Democrats To Set Limits For Deceased Voters

The Democrats are going to set limits on their collection of deceased voters. Thousands of ballots are cast from social security numbers that are from a deceased individual every election.

Supreme Court Justice Warren Buffett Found Dead

Longtime Supreme Court Justice Warren Buffett has died in his sleep according to the Omaha, Nebraska police department. His death, which comes after the suspicious passing of Justice Antonin Scalia's untimely death, further puts pressure on both President Biden and the Senate to appoint a successor.

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