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Woman Legally Incorporates Uterus to Avoid Government Regulation

Taking a page from the Republican Party's handbook, Mary Penland of Fresno, CA has incorporated her Uterus in an attempt to gain the many regulatory exemptions many corporations enjoy.

Study: Connecting Planned Parenthood and Family Planning Causes Confusion

A new study from the Population Research Center strongly correlated the defunding of Planned Parenthood with a rise in unwanted pregnancies, causing conservative leaders to wonder if there might be a connection.

Brian Williams: I Was At Ben Carson’s 1997 Stabbing

Brian Williams admitted to a small press conference that he was at the 1997 stabbing event of Presidential hopeful Ben Carson. The stabbing event, which apparently occurred in Mr. Williams' mind, happened when the soft-spoken neurosurgeon was at a Christian event speaking about Old Testament history.

Witness Refuses Mass Shooter Recognition He Feels He Deserves

Senior citizen and 30 year neighborhood watch member, Gabbie Herschberger, who also happens to be sole survivor and witness to a mass shooting that recently occurred, has refused to identify the suspected shooter as he stood before her during a police lineup

Apple CEO Tim Cook Arrested by Florida Sheriff

Apple Corporation CEO Tim Cook was arrested late yesterday by Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd for failing to comply with a court order to "unlock" Apple iPhones for the government.

PHOTOS: UN Military Caravan Seen in California

A Redding man has sent The Fazzler exclusive photos of a UN caravan consisting of of bullet-proof, urban assault MRAP-type (Mine-Resistant Ambush Protected) vehicles.

Study: 63% of Heterosexual Women Prefer Smart Phones Over Men

A recent study performed by the Palo Alto, California-based Rundex Family Foundation found that almost 63% of all American women would give up sex for their mobile phone if they had the choice.

Amazon Announces Voucher-based K-12 School to be Integrated Into Warehouse Operations

In a move to appease the Trump administration's voucher education system, Jeff Bezos announced a plan to integrate K-12 schooling into warehouse operations.

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