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Noam Chomsky Tweets Unsuccessfully

Renown MIT linguistics professor and social media critic Noam Chomsky reluctantly entered the "Twitter-sphere" this week with somewhat disastrous results. The famous Linguistics Professor and darling of the political Left throughout the world has been critical of social media and in particular, Twitter.

ICE detains Illegal Puppies at Border

The Border Patrol office in Arizona has been inundated with protesters and phone calls, including large groups from PETA as well as the ACLU.

Alex Jones Shocker: Gay Lover Speaks Out [VIDEO]

An Austin man has come forward to claim that he's been involved in an intimate relationship with conspiracy radio and television personality Alex Jones.

Chris Christie Closes Down Area Golden Corral

Christ Christie is back in the news today as reports came in from an area Golden Corral restaurant that the New Jersey governor had shut down the popular family-style buffet restaurant so he could dine in private.

Donald Trump Vows to Make Hazzard County Great Again

Donald J. Trump grew up idolizing Hogg for all his achievements in the business world. After a recent rally in Atlanta, Mr. Trump took a detour to visit his old friend in Hazzard County.

Monsanto Patents Potential Cancer-killing Cannabis Strains

Monsanto, the world's largest supplier of genetically modified seeds and other genetically modified organisms announced this week at its annual stockholders meeting that it had developed a strain of medical marijuana that seems to stop and in some cases reverse some forms of cancer.

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