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San Francisco Alt-Right Protest Canceled Due to Fears over Gay Activist DJs

 The leader of a right-wing group that had planned a Saturday rally at Crissy Field in San Francisco said Friday he had decided to call off the event due to fears of what organizers called "militant gay DJs."

Protesters Demand Anti-Chemtrail Statue Be Torn Down

The Redding, CA-based Chemtrail Action Network or CAN have petitioned the local government to have what they call is an "pro-Chemtral/anti-science" statue removed from outside the city's popular Fantasy Fountain water amusement park.

Obliviously Creepy Man Likes 7 Years Worth of Woman’s Photos

Los Angeles-based artist and unaware creeper Jim Dean unknowingly made himself the subject of yet another uncomfortable discussion recently after methodically "Liking" dozens of photographs belonging to a new Facebook friend.

Flat Earther Launches Rocket, Splatters on Basement Ceiling

In what appears to be a copycat attempt gone awry, 37-year-old Barstow, CA native Jeff Hughston's life almost came to an end this weekend when he attempted to launch his homemade, kerosene-powered rocket from his Mother's basement.

Deceased Dentist Loved Family, the Philharmonic and Wife Swapping

A Nevada City dentist known for his deep love of family and wife swapping died this week. Harold Ardon, 92, died Monday at his Nevada City home.

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