Grass Valley, CA — In what local and state education officials are calling a disturbing development, only 15 of the 517 students from Nevada Union High School’s class of 2017 managed to graduate this year. The astonishing low number shocked and surprised parents and administrators across Nevada County and the State.
“We honestly don’t know what happened,” said California State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson. “We suspect it has something to do with Texas, but more research is needed.”
Experts are unclear what contributed to the dramatic and unprecedented drop, which was down almost 95% from the previous year. However not everyone was worried.
“This was the shortest graduation ever,” said high school junior Cameron Patton of Nevada City who played the tuba in the band. “We had to sit there, like, I dunno, like, 15 minutes or something. And then I called my Mom and I went home. So that was cool, you know? Can I go now?”
Given the gravity of the low graduation rate, the Brown Administration has dispatched a task force to study the problem. Their report is due out sometime in 2021.