Van Nuys, CA —, along with several other adult-content providers, said they are struggling with abnormally high loads after several state governments issued mandatory stay-at-home orders this past month. According to Pornhub, the popular Internet destination has received rapid and repetitive surges of traffic since November.

“Honestly, we were caught by surprise with all this unexpected traffic,” said Pornhub spokesperson Bethany Millbright. “We’ve seen a sudden thrust in backdoor visitors, some welcome, and frankly some not welcomed. But that’s just how the Internet is.”

The increased loads have stimulated the advertising markets, which has created a revenue windfall for adult-oriented websites. According to Ms. Millbright, Pornhub’s net revenues have spiked by over 420% in just the past year. And due to this deep push by advertisers to meet this peak demand, several adult websites consider listing on public stock exchanges.

“We are in preliminary talks with NASDAQ to list our stock in an initial IPO, but the negotiations are still in their initial phases,” continued Ms. Millbright. “However, our priority at the moment continues to manage our huge loads, something we think our fans understand.”

The nation’s largest broadband provider Comcast recently announced that it was extending its “data caps” to the entire nation, angering both its customers and politicians keen on scoring quick regulatory points.

“Comcast is screwing us,” said Macon, Georgia resident and long-time Comcast customer Daryl Dinger. “They want to charge me more for my favorite videos. When you think about it, they’re interfering with my freedoms. Everyone’s freedom to watch what we want. Democrats probably run them.”

For its part, Pornhub and other adult-content providers say they are increasing their capacity to handle these massive loads.