Articles by

Roy Riffle

Our youngest columnist, Roy Riffle gained fortune, though not necessarily fame, when at 9 years old he coined the phrase "Obey Your Thirst". Some of his smugness stems from "having read the bible and understanding the metaphors." Roy is currently the only Millennial on Gish Gallop payroll. And hopefully the last.

North Korean Hackers Steal Coca-Cola Recipe

In an early morning tweet, the DPRK News Service announced that leader Kim Jong-un had his first drink of that they're calling the "imperialist liquor" made on Korean soil.

Osama bin Laden’s Body Accidentally Discovered During Burial at Sea

What they found when they opened the shroud sent shock-waves throughout US Naval command, the Pentagon, the White House, and Alex Jones's little micro-universe.

Hanes Trademarks OxyCotton

In what is raising more than a few eyebrows in the garment industry, Hanes Brands, the parent company of the popular line of Hanes undergarments has trademarked the phrase OxyCotton for its new line of mens and women's underwear.

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