Tony Robbins: Nevada County Too Crazy For Me

Inspirational speaker, author and giant human Tony Robbins has declined a speaking engagement at the Veterans Hall in Grass Valley.
Inspirational speaker, author, and giant human Tony Robbins has declined a speaking engagement at the Veterans Hall in Grass Valley.

Nevada County, CA — Inspirational speaker, author, and giant human Tony Robbins has declined a speaking engagement at the Veterans Hall in Grass Valley, CA claiming in a leaked email, “They’re way too crazy for me,” referring to the people of Nevada County.

Born Anthony J. Mahavoric in North Hollywood, California, on February 29, 1960, Mr. Robbins is known for infomercials, seminars, and self-help books including Unlimited Power and Awaken the Giant Within. Approximately 4 million people have attended his live seminars. However the 7-foot 3-inch speaker won’t be adding a local gig anytime soon to his list of engagements, which is shock to not only his local fans in the greater Nevada County area, but also his supporters around the globe who have admired his advocacy of “emotional mastery” and his insistence on using your fears to drive success.

“I’m really shocked Tony would bail out of any invite,” said local organizer and Robbins disciple Stacy Grant of Nevada City, CA. “In all his books he talks about how to train your mind to overcome any obstacle. It saddens me that he’s afraid of Nevada County.”

According to the leaked email, Mr. Robbins struggled for weeks on whether to cancel his October 4th talk in Grass Valley. Apparently, his misgivings date back to the mid-1990s, when the then younger Robbins was mentioned in a class-action lawsuit by 14 people from North San Juan, CA. The group had suffered third-degree burns on their feet after attempting a 47-foot “fire walk” across blazing black oak coals. Mr. Robbins denied any involvement in the event, and the suit was later dismissed, however, the experience left an indelible imprint on the motivational guru.

“I guess I can’t blame him,” continued Ms. Grant who had raised the $40,000 speaking fee from a campaign, “but I just thought this would be a way he could, you know, get over that. Well, I guess not.”

According to Tony Robbins’ publicist Bethany Millbright, Mr. Robbins leaked comments were taken out of context and he, by no means, considers the people of Nevada County ‘Crazy,” but rather “unique and full of energy.” Robbins is still planning on speaking at the Denver World Taxidermy & Fish Carving Championships later in October, which celebrates the achievements of the “back to basics” Taxidermy movement. He plans to participate in a live bison tanning demonstration/motivational talk.