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Cambridge, MA — According to sources close to Bernie Sanders, the Senator of Vermont has agreed to portray MIT Linguist and Social Scientist Noam Chomsky in an upcoming biopic. The filming, which is slated to begin next summer, will feature Mr. Sanders playing the elder Professor Chomsky. However, Senator Sanders will also play the younger version of Chomsky via the power of makeup and prosthetics.

The Biopic, which has the working title of Arguably the Most Important Thinker, takes its name from commentary used by the New York Times to describe Chomsky, even though the paper rarely, as in never, cites or speaks with him.

According to executive producers Matt Damon and Kevin Costner, the team has been itching to make this film, but the time was never right.

“Both Kevin and I are huge Chomsky fans,” said Matt Damon, speaking with the Hollywood Insider. “But the timing was never right. With Trump in office, we figured there would be interest in exploring Chomsky’s life and writings.”

Mr. Damon brought Kevin Costner to “pump up some action scenes” with his knack for “Americana flare.”

“I was excited when Matt told me about the project. But I agreed to do it only if I could play William F. Buckley,” grinned a pleased Mr. Costner referring to the now-famous debates Chomsky had with American conservative Buckley. “I think I have his Atlantic accent nailed, and I’ve always wanted to meet Bernie. Matt also wanted me to add some fantasy girth to the screenplay. So think of it Dances with Wolves meets Waterworld meets a documentary you were forced to watch during your senior year of high school.”

No word on who will play Howard Zinn.