

Hostess Develops Cannabis Strain Product Line

The Hostess Snack Corp. is best known for Twinkies, Ho-Ho's and Ding Dongs, has been spending a significant amount of money to develop their own marijuana strain.

Amateur Astronomer Swears He Spotted the Alien “Black Knight Satellite”

Local amateur cryptozoologist, paranormal investigator, SciFi Channel fan, and amateur astronomer Keith Bradenshauer of Alta Sierra, CA, swears he spotted the illusive "Black Knight Satellite" using his Meades Telescope on Wednesday night.

2nd Wave Internet Skepticism And The War Of Bad Ideas Part 1

This is the first in a series on what I have started referring to as 2nd Wave Internet Skepticism. 2nd wave Internet skepticism seems to fold tribalism in under the guise of critical thinking. It includes a lot of rhetoric that I first saw in the Men's Rights Activism movement.

New Study: Chemtrails Are Great For Your Complexion

At Sierra Community College in Grass Valley, CA, science student Sandra Willis has made an ironic discovery about the utility of chemtrails: they are great for your complexion. Unfortunately, Sandra Willis' discovery might sway naysayers into the pro-chemtrail camp.

Area Woman Cashes in on Chemtrail Clothing Craze

Ardwelia Kushborn established her company Signal Shield in the summer of 2011 to provide, in her words, "an innovative line of protective clothing designed for today's conscious consumer."

Area TV Producer Removes Mount Shasta

Local starlet, writer and producer Heather Donahue has successfully removed Mount Shasta from the landscape as part of her upcoming television program. At a cost of over 145.7 billion dollars, many are questioning the wisdom of removing an entire mountain for the purposes of entertainment.

Local Newspaper Infiltrated by CIA “Psy-Ops”

After an exhaustive 3 month investigation, The Fazzler with the help of several anonymous, yet credible informants has learned that The Union, Grass Valley's 150 year old newspaper has been infiltrated by a CIA "Psy-Ops" detachment.

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