

Local Researcher: Macon, Georgia Doesn’t Exist

North San Juan resident, part-time chemtrail researcher and amateur ionizing radiation hobbyist Skyy Wolford announced to a somewhat disinterested crowd out in front of the Sierra Super Stop that Macon, Georgia is an elaborate hoax and does not exist. Mr. Wolford, who was recently in the news following his landmark Wi-Fi disability settlement, has been studying what he calls "the Macon anomaly" for the past 3 years.

23 Things You Should Never Put in Your Refrigerator

We all know what we need to be keep refrigerated. However, has anyone ever told you what not to refrigerate? Well never fear, The Fazzler is here to help. Our crack team has assembled the 23 most common things you should never put in your refrigerator.

Sacramento to Disclose Addresses of Registered Anti-Vaxxers

In an announcement designed to proactively combat a potential pandemic, officials in Sacramento County declared that it plans to publish the names and addresses of "vaccine protesters."

Protesters Demand Anti-Chemtrail Statue Be Torn Down

The Redding, CA-based Chemtrail Action Network or CAN have petitioned the local government to have what they call is an "pro-Chemtral/anti-science" statue removed from outside the city's popular Fantasy Fountain water amusement park.

Local Green Party Member Sneaks Through McDonald’s Drive Thru

Sources close to the incident tell The Fazzler that his two children Sky and Tyler were misbehaving in the back seat of the family's 2010 Toyota Prius Electric Conversion. The family had just returned from a 3 day visit with the Mr. Packard's Republican in-laws in Fresno, so his defenses were understandably low.

Chemtrail Film Festival Coming To Nevada City, CA

The Chemtrail Action Network (CAN) announced the first ever traveling Chemtrail Film Festival coming to Nevada City, CA this January. The film festival will be making its first stop in the secluded Sierra Nevada Foothills town for a 4 day run starting on the 14th of August and running until 18th.

Internet Researcher: Asheville, North Carolina Doesn’t Exist

North San Juan resident, part-time chemtrail researcher and amateur ionizing radiation hobbyist Skyy Wolford announced to a somewhat disinterested crowd out in front of the Sierra Super Stop that Asheville, North Carolina is an elaborate hoax and does not exist.

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