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Pet Anti-Vaccination Advocate Dies From Rabies

A Northern Californian woman has died after being attacked by her rabid dog, authorities reported yesterday. Amelia Brushworn of North Bloomfield, California was found dead at her home by relatives.

Origins of Funky Smell at Sacramento Goodwill Yet to Be Found

The unmistakable funk wafting through the aisles of a local Goodwill has left shoppers wrinkling their noses in disgust and curiosity. Despite a thorough investigation, the source of the smell remains as elusive as a bargain in peak thrifting season.

Area Man to Write Steinbeckian “Trimmigrant” Account of Nevada County

Nevada City burgeoning writer Roy Riffle recently announced to a small crowd of Millennials at Cafe Mekka that he intended to write the town’s equivalent John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath called Buds of Wrath. Mr. Riffle has been talking with "trimmigrants" as they made their way through town looking for temporary work.

Historians: Nevada City, CA Actually an Old Star Trek Episode Set

Historians from Brigham Young and Southern Methodist Universities have discovered that the quaint former gold rush town of Nevada City, California is actually a set from a lost Star Trek episode. The researchers made the discovery while digging through the Paramount television archives in Burbank, CA.

Flying Girl Caught on Camera in Sierra County [VIDEO]

The Fazzler has obtained an incredible video that depicts what appears to be a supernatural event. In a mobile phone video supplied by James L. McKnight of Grass Valley, CA, what appears to be a normal road side "pee break" for a Mr. McKnight's dog Bullit, turns into a paranormal event than he will never forget.

Area Entrepreneur Erases God With Microwave Brain Machine

A Grass Valley inventor has invented a brain scan machine that will replace what he calls "arcane belief systems" with "modern, humanist principles." Brian K. Hart has been working on what he calls his Cognitive Replacement System or CRS for over a decade.

Ukulele Festival Attack Kills 17, Injures 4, and Damages Don Ho Memorabilia

The annual Ukulele Festival put on by the American Ukulele Association (AUA), ended in tragedy on Sunday.  A masked gunman opened fire killing 17 festival attendees and wounding 35 others, including a cardboard cut-out of Don Ho.

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