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Menlo Park, CA — A new algorithm routine has been added to social media giant Facebook’s filtering algorithm. Starting next month, Facebook will start including the passive voice when ranking posts in users’ feeds.

“We’re excited to be offering such an innovative addition to our platform,” said CEO Mark Zuckerberg at Facebook’s biannual Daft Developer Conference in Menlo Park. “Facebook has been at the forefront of creating great user experiences. And grammar has become a big deal for both our users, but also our moderators who are charged with filtering content.”

Most users will not see changes in their Facebook posts, according to a spokesperson.

“It will be subtle,” said Facebook Director of Grammar and Usage Polly L. Pedant. “It’s been reported for years by people who care about language that many users are using poor grammar. We have considered many things to attack, but the first will be the ugly passive voice which we’re led to believe is something that can be tackled.”

The new program, called Passive Voice Will Be Fixed By Facebook or PVWBBF (pronounced Peevewbooof), will provide aids when a user posts something using “inactive language.”