Articles by

Michael Stephen

Michael has been through pretty much everything, and his sole aspiration is to get you through it more quickly and with less pain.

Home Depot Targets Zoomers with PridePlanks Rainbow Lumber

In a confounding turn of events, Home Depot, refuge of the suburban handyman, now peddles rainbow-hued 2x4s, dubbed PridePlanks, in select West Coast locations. As outraged traditionalists gasp in horror, Zoomers revel in the chromatic wonder. Meanwhile, a bridge forms between conservative shoppers and exploited migrant workers, united in their bewilderment. Progress, as it seems, marches on, leaving a trail of disgruntled bigots in its wake.

Area Drivers Suddenly Respectful to Bicyclists on Roadways

Area drivers have suddenly and unexpectedly been extremely respectful of bicyclists sharing the roads recently. Many believe this may be because of a new law that requires drivers to steer clear, by at least three feet, around bicyclists riding on the road. The Fazzler may have discovered another reason for the respectful trend.

Self-driving Google Car Gets Stuck in Grass Valley Roundabout

A Google self-driving car caused a traffic jam in Grass Valley over the weekend. A Google engineer decided to try out the new driver-less car in this area to, as he explains, to put it through the paces of my own hometown, where I learned to drive.

“I Prefer Republicans to Democrats,” Coronavirus Claims

The usually non-partisan COVID-19 coronavirus has found a deep friendship with the Republican Party.

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