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The Far Side — On the heels of recent news that Gary Larson’s The Far Side might be returning, GishGallop.com, the nation’s premier news, information and commentary magazine announced an arrangement with the famous cartoonist. The 24-year deal, which grants The Fazzler exclusive rights to Mr. Larson’s creations and a few promotional items such as branded toothbrushes and rubber chickens, is the first of its kind.

The Far Side’s surrealistic humor is often based on uncomfortable social situations, improbable events, an anthropomorphic view of the world, logical fallacies, impending bizarre disasters, (often twisted) reference to proverbs or the search for meaning in life.

“We are thrilled that Mr. Larson chose to work with us,” said The Fazzler Enterprises, Ltd. publisher Dwayne Gish. “It makes perfect sense. You know, this arrangement. We can’t discuss the financial details, but all I can say is everyone is pleased. Please be on the lookout for new material over the next couple of weeks.”

The beloved comic strip The Far Side, which ran in newspapers from 1980-95, updated its website over the weekend with a new cartoon of a man taking a blowtorch to a block of ice encasing some of cartoonist Larson’s unnamed signature characters. A number of publications reported on the website update, but it was unclear if Larson, 69, would be drawing new cartoons or re-releasing his classic single-panel strips for the digital generation to enjoy.

Now it is clear given The Fazzler’s announcement what Mr. Larson’s intentions are. A spokesperson for The Far Side creator did not confirm or deny the deal.