Trump Tours Chemtrail Plane and Promises to Terminate Program

ACCORDING TO AN NBC NEWS REPORT TODAY, Washington D.C — Former, and some would say current, President Donald Trump, accompanied by select members of his secret cabinet, toured a chemtrail-outfitted dispersal airplane at Andrews Air Force Base yesterday afternoon.

Trump is fulfilling a campaign promise to end the controversial program and redirect government funding away from geoengineering operations and towards other programs like roads, the aging electrical grid infrastructure, and of course, his proposed wall between the United States and Mexico.

“Today marks a great day for our country where we turn our backs on the secret poisoning of our skies and look to a new future with better roads, a secure electrical grid, and a great wall to protect us from Mexico,” said Mr. Trump reading prepared comments out in front of a Boeing 767 which had been retrofitted for chemtrail spraying. “And hear me, you, we will not let scientists and other elite eggheads tell us how to control the environment anymore. It’s America first, not the skies first.”

He then thrust his index finger into the air like it was a bit bitty rocket.

According to a White House insider, Mike Pence, who’s expressed an interest in dismantling the public/private chemtrail partnership, which includes The Gates Foundation, Monsanto, the EPA, several branches of the military, and a man known in the Pentagon as “the Colonel” before he went tits-up, will assume control of the program with the sole goal of turning it off.

“It’s going to be an uphill battle for Pence,” commented NBC News reporter Sharon McDonnell, covering the event. “The Deep State is ‘hell-bent,’ according to one insider, on keeping the program up and running. So Pence will have to defund parts of the program until it collapses strategically. I mean, if he becomes President in 2024. And even if he does, the process could take years.”

Anti-chemtrail activists across the country celebrated the decision. Some, including area anti-chemtrail activist Saihra Ramun, believe this is a reason to be hopeful.

“I had warned activists that the Trump Administration had great enthusiasm for geoengineering projects,” said Ms. Ramun via telephone. “However, I’m encouraged that the President has come out against it. I’m going to be keeping an eye on him to make sure he follows through with this. I think Pence is the perfect choice to lead this effort.”

“Geoengineering has radiation in it with the alum. That’s not good in case you don’t know or care since you lefties want death anyway,” cried one anonymous Facebook commenter, seemingly out of nowhere. “You people support pedophiles like Clinton. Fine, folks, you are!! Haha!”

The former President will not redirect funding to other projects without involving Congress or being President again. As a result, he faces a basic rubber stamp of his plan in the House of Representatives, but a steep climb in the Senate, where many Senators favor large-scale geoengineering and population control efforts. He also faces some challenges because he’s no longer the President.

Michael Stephen
Michael Stephen
Michael has been through pretty much everything, and his sole aspiration is to get you through it more quickly and with less pain.

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