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Santa Monica, CA — Ronald Burnett is no stranger to controversy. He and his husband Rich married on the steps of San Fransisco City Hall in 2004, where then-mayor Gavin Newsom, now California Governor, officiated the colorful ceremony. In the years since, both Ron and Rich stirred the social activism pot on many LGBTQ+ issues. So it came as no surprise late last year when the famed couple announced they were pregnant.

It also came as no surprise to many of their supporters when the pair announced in January that Ron had undergone a 2nd-trimester abortion.

“We wanted to make a point,” said Rich speaking with the press outside their Santa Monica, CA home. “This is Ron’s body, and the government needs to stay the hell out. We also wanted to send a strong message to the religious crazies out there that a pile of cells is not a human being. Abortion is the law of the land, and it’s going to stay that way.”

Evangelical Christians Speak Out

Several Christian evangelicals have spoken out not only against the pair of men having a baby and aborting it but also two men conceiving. One such person is Dale Branson,  the regional director of Evangelical Life Force, an Omaha, Nebraska-based Christian evangelical anti-abortion group.

“Lord, I ask you to give overwhelming favor to our President over these evil demonic spirits that are in the left Democratic party,” said Mr. Branson out in front of the Burnett’s expansive and walled-off home. “I ask for victory and that also the wall to be built soon and for this country to stop aborting babies. Satan is alive and bearing witness by allowing these types of human abominations. I pray in Jesus’ name. Please stop this.”

Others at the protest made even less sense.

“It’s going to take more than just saying a prayer to set back Satan and His angels. The wicked swarm the faithful,” shouted Mary Lee of Bakersfield, CA, who interrupted her rant with various amounts of ‘speaking-in-tongues’ gibberish. “Hahala, baba dooderie dooo demalala. Praise Jesus!”

When asked what she was going to do, Ms. Lee’s became visibly excited.

“Many prayer warriors and intercessors[sic] are needed. Godsend the true warriors and intercessors into battle in the name of Jesus and by the blood of the lamb. Must have 24/7. Oh, God helps us to be bold and strong for you every moment. Drive back the evil by the blood and in the name of Jesus.”

As for Ron and Rich, they haven’t decided if they’re going to have another baby, or have another baby and abort it.

“It’s still up in the air,” continued Rich. “We’d like to have another child, but we’re not sure if we’re going to terminate it or not. I guess it all depends, you know?”