HomeNews in Brief

News in Brief

Cinnabon To Open At Nevada County Airport

Citing both an improving economy and slightly increased air traffic, Cinnabon, the nation's largest chain of of cinnamon-rolls producing bakeries has announced plans to open it's first local store at the Nevada County Airport.

NAMBLA Endorses Ted Cruz

The controversial organization North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), has given its endorsement to Ted Cruz. NAMBLA believes that it is OK and natural for men to "love" boys. They believe it to be the natural order of things and that it should be celebrated.

Nevada City Woman Smudges House

A Nevada City woman has smudged her house in hopes of removing any "bad energy" left by the previous owners. Beverly "Indica" Anderson recently "smudged" her home on Orchard Street after she believed that the previous occupants deposited negative vibes into the home.

Facebook Is Actually Purgatory

Often times Facebook becomes the place to say goodbye to the dead. Everyday you see people paying respects online. But in doing so, are we damning the dead to an eternity in Facebook Purgatory?

Woman Pays with Four $100 Bills at Briar Patch

According to the Department of Treasury, a staggering 65% of all $100 bills ordered by the Federal Reserve are paid out to foreign accounts, namely banks and "other foreign interests."

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