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Las Vegas, NV — As fans gathered at 60th annual Science Fiction festival held at Caesar’s Palace in Las Vegas, readers young and old expressed a desire to have more Dick in their lives.

“I’ve read everything,” said science fiction aficionado Brett Kovane clutching a handful of comic books. “I just can’t get enough Dick. I’ve turned my sister and her friends onto Dick, and we get together every Saturday night and watch Dick on Amazon Prime. Even my Mom loves Dick.”

Of course, attendees are referring to science fiction writer Philip K. Dick who has experienced a massive surge in popularity in the past few years as his short stories and novels have been made into feature films and several series.

“I can’t get enough Dick,” said 27-year-old Dana Mast of Wisconsin who was attending the conference for the first time. “I can’t believe there’s so many Dick fans. All we do is talk about him all day long.”

Philip K. Dick died in 1982 just as Blade Runner, based on his short story Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep was being released. And ever since his death, the public has enjoyed Dick more than when he was alive.

According to long-time fan and famed director Ridley Scott, he says he plans a children’s Dick series as well. And Random House publishing is releasing several new Dick novels just in time for Christmas.