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San Francisco, CA — University of California San Francisco scientists have successfully created the world’s first reverse Dalmatian. The effort, which has been in the works for over 14 years in association with Cargill Corporation and the American Kennel Club, sought to create the world’s first GMO dog.

“We’ve been working on this for over a decade,” said lead researcher Dr. Ozmond Derry, “and had a lot of misses. I want to be clear that no animals were harmed during our research, but our initial results were, how shall I say it, ‘different.'”

According to people close to the program, code-named “Get Spot,” in 2006, the first batch of Dalmatians had puce-green spots. In one batch from 2009, they were accidentally able to produce Italian Greyhounds from dalmatian embryos.

“Yeah, that was a shocker,” continued Dr. Derry. “I mean, we’re still not sure what went wrong during that run, but I have to be honest that no one expected to see Italian Greyhounds where a dalmatian should have been.”

It’s unclear at the time of this writing why both international agricultural commodities company Cargill and the American Kennel Club have expressed interest in the admittedly odd UCSF program.