Area Man with 17 Bumper Stickers Can’t Fit One More

Nevada City's own Doob Carnevale
Nevada City’s own Doob Carnevale

Nevada City, CA — Nevada City resident Toby “Doob” Carnevale has no trouble telling you what’s on his mind. And he does so on the back of his 2009 Toyota Prius where he has 17 bumper stickers attached. Mr. Carnevale has no room left for his latest “Be nice to America, Or We’ll Bring Democracy to Your Country” sticker.

“Yeah, it’s a bummer. I got this one at the farmer’s market in front of the Gray Goose,” a disappointed Carnevale said referring to the recent democracy sticker. “Look how orange it is. This would have really tied the whole back end of my car together right next to my Autobahn World Tour ’87 one. Too bad.”

There seems to be two discrete types of people in the United States: ones who likes bumper stickers, and those who will kick your ass if you put one on their car. Mr. Carnevale is an enthusiastic member of the former group.

“I started adding bumper stickers right after I bought the Prius,” said Mr. Carnevale out in front of his Nevada City home. “The first one was ‘US out of Central America,’ even though we were kinda already out of there by then. My buddy Shep says I’m nuts.”

When asked about his collecting habits, a grin came on Mr. Carnevale face. “Well, I don’t really have a method. If I see something I like, I buy it. I generally like political sayings, but look at this one, ‘Dance like your vagina’s on fire.’ I was trying to be ironic because I don’t have a vagina. And this one, ‘I’m speeding cause I really have to poop.’ I thought that was funny,” chucked Mr. Carnevale as he pointed at his car.

When asked for the future plans for his bumper sticker-laden tailgate, Mr. Carnevale was unsure. “Some of these are pretty worn. I guess I could scrape them off and put on new ones.”

Randall 'fink' Finkelstein
Randall 'fink' Finkelstein
Fink is a man of many words, and many web links. He likes to argue and seldom loses. Mostly because he’s well informed. And somewhat gassy.

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