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Nevada City, CA — An area woman is cashing in on the latest protective clothing craze with her line of what she calls “shield-ware.” Ardwelia Kushborn established her company Signal Shield in the summer of 2011 to provide, in her words, “an innovative line of protective clothing designed for today’s conscious consumer.”

“It was clear as the skies aren’t that the mainstream clothing manufacturers had no interest in providing garments that protected people from the scourge of radiation and geoengineering,” said an exuberant Ms. Kushborn in a The Fazzler telephone interview. “I knew there would be a market for this, but never in my wildest dreams did I think it would take off as it has.”

When Ms. Kushborn started Signal Shield clothing, she was offering mainly aluminum-lined hats. She was hand-making in her Nevada City home. She primarily was selling the items at local festivals and Farmers’ Markets until she was approached by Silicon Valley venture capitalist investor Pandu “Seddy” Narayanan at her table in 2014 during a Summer market.

“So this guy approaches me and introduces himself as Seddy,” continued Ms. Kushborn.”And we start talking about chemtrails and what-not. He was kind enough and left his business card and told me to call him the following week, which is what I did. I had no idea that he was so wealthy and had an interest in stopping ‘our modern poisoning’ as he called it. Seddy was instrumental in helping me expand both my manufacturing, but also my supply and demand chains.”

Following a sizable investment from Mr. Narayanan, Ms. Kushborn was able to expand her market reach dramatically. And that’s when she discovered that there was a vast, untapped market for Signal Shield products. Of course, none of this was a surprise to the power-capitalist thinking of Seddy, who is pleased about how Signal Shield is taking off. Seddy, who is already a hero in anti-chemtrail activism, has been scrambling his fleet of jets to chase and measure suspected jet airline chemtrailers.

“When we started our chemtrail measurement program, I thought to myself, ‘How selfish can we be?'” Said Mr. Narayanan in a Skype interview from his Palo Alto, CA home. “Here we were scrambling our jets to measure airplane exhausts, and we didn’t even think about the people on the ground. So when my wife and I were visiting Nevada City, and I met Ardwelia, it all clicked. I closed the loop. It became clear that our measurement activities where generating market conditions for consumers. This is such a win-win.”

As for Ms. Kushborn, she has dramatically expanded her Signal Shield line to include both chemtrail protection garments, and EMR [Electra-Magnetic Radiation] gear.

“Right now, our two most popular items are the SS-EMR ski cap, which retails for $49.00. It protects your head from Smart Meters, microwave ovens, and your neighbor’s WiFi router. It’s our top seller. Our second most popular item,” continued Ms. Kushborn, “is our all-organic SS-Slicker, which is a raincoat specifically designed to repel chemtrail residues. It sells for $139.00. I have several customers who put them on once they see a plane overhead. Better safe than sorry.”