Governor Ron DeSantis Introduces Frog Conversion Therapy

Tallahassee, FL — In a shocking move, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has announced a new initiative to introduce “frog conversion therapy” to the state.

According to DeSantis, the therapy will be aimed at “curing” frogs of their homosexuality and promoting traditional “frog family values.”

“We’ve seen the destructive effects of so-called ‘conversion therapy’ on the human population, and we don’t want to see that happen to our precious frogs,” said DeSantis. “This therapy will help them live healthy, traditional lives and contribute to the betterment of frog society.”

The announcement has sparked outrage among frog rights activists, who argue that the therapy is unethical and unscientific.

“Frogs don’t choose their sexual orientation, and it’s not something that can or should be changed,” said one activist. “This is just another example of the government trying to control and discriminate against marginalized groups.”

Despite the backlash, DeSantis remains steadfast in his support for the therapy. “I believe this is the right thing to do for the sake of our frogs and our state,” he said. “And I will do everything in my power to see it through.”

It remains to be seen how this controversial initiative will play out in Florida. But one thing is certain: the debate over frog rights and conversion therapy is far from over.

Michael Stephen
Michael Stephen
Michael has been through pretty much everything, and his sole aspiration is to get you through it more quickly and with less pain.

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