I Insist I Didn’t Write This Story, By Michael Stephen

I could not shake the impression that I was trying to come up with ideas for the story I was entrusted with writing as I sat at my desk and stared at the computer screen. I was feeling frustrated and unsure of what to do when I heard a strange voice in my head.

The voice seemed to emanate from nowhere and everywhere at once, and it stated, “Write a story in which you claim you didn’t write the story you’re writing.”

I paused for a moment before deciding to comply with the voice’s directions after being startled by it. As I began typing, the words appeared to flow very effortlessly onto the paper, and I became further immersed in the story.

As I wrote, though, I could not shake the impression that I had lost control of my writing. I felt as though the words were coming from somewhere else, and I was merely a conduit for the story to be communicated.

Despite this, I continued to write, and as the story’s conclusion approached, I found myself again denying authorship. I attempted to persuade myself that the words simply came to me and that I was simply writing them down.

Michael Stephen
Michael Stephen
Michael has been through pretty much everything, and his sole aspiration is to get you through it more quickly and with less pain.

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