Following the theft of 100 brain specimens from University of Texas at Austin, the collective IQ of Texans dropped by 11.4 points to 91.6, announced researchers.
Tensions ran high on Wednesday morning when a fight broke out between patrons waiting in the Grass Valley Starbucks drive thru. Many who had been waiting for the coffee giant's new offering, a colonic service.
After meeting with her surgeon at Sutter Roseville Medical Center in Roseville, CA, 38 year old Nevada City resident Melinda Harborshauer insisted that she be allowed to use medical marijuana for both anesthesia and post operation pain management.
Yum! Brands incorporated, the parent company of Taco Bell, has reported that sales are up over 724% in the past year in the key "user" states of Colorado and Washington.
A team of University of Florida researchers led by esteemed Bio-Archaeologist Dr. Mark Todd Davis have discovered what they believe is the world's first and only natural fluoride spring out side the Orlando city limits.