Articles by

Randall 'fink' Finkelstein

Fink is a man of many words, and many web links. He likes to argue and seldom loses. Mostly because he’s well informed. And somewhat gassy.

County Citizens Preparing for Zika, Ebola, MERS, Tuberculosis, Scabies and Zombie Outbreaks

Given the recent news of deadly viral outbreaks around the globe, coupled with the current immigration crisis at the Nation's borders, many Nevada County citizens are bracing themselves for an onslaught of deadly diseases followed naturally by the Zombification of the entire population.

6 The Fazzler Life Hacks For Really Lazy People!

We all lead busy lives and it's tough to get stuff done. Here at The Fazzler, we know how you feel and have created these 6 life-changing "hacks" or lifehacks to simply your life.

Local Green Party Member Sneaks Through McDonald’s Drive Thru

Sources close to the incident tell The Fazzler that his two children Sky and Tyler were misbehaving in the back seat of the family's 2010 Toyota Prius Electric Conversion. The family had just returned from a 3 day visit with the Mr. Packard's Republican in-laws in Fresno, so his defenses were understandably low.

Earl Turner’s New Revolution: Taking Down the Floral Industry

From that moment on, Earl's hatred of florists only grew, and he soon found himself surrounded by like-minded individuals who shared his disdain for the floral industry. Thus, the Florist Brigades were born.

Guinea Pig Obtains Higher Consciousness In Pile Of Timothy Hay

An area guinea pig has found peace and self-actualization after his 11-year-old owner Stephanie Jameson accidentally gave the creature a double amount of timothy hay earlier this week.

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